Chapter 1: Abilities

[DM's note: We will put our use of subabilites on hold until we are all 100% comfortable with all o fhte other 3e rules. I will leave all referernces to subabilities on the site so that those who want to start preparing for when we use them can do so.]

The biggest change to this chapter is that we will continue to use subabilities as found in Player's Options: Skills & Powers.

Primary Ability Subabilities
Strength Stamina & Muscle
Dexterity Aim & Balance
Constitution Health & Fitness
Intelligence Reason & Knowledge
Wisdom Intuition & Willpower
Charisma Leadership & Appearance

All of the rules for subabilities being with in four of each other and no more than two different from their Primary Ability score still apply. Note, this is at character creation, events during adventuring may change individual subabilities in violation of this rule.

Application of which subablity applies to a given situation will be found under the relevant chapter's house rules.

Specifics Changes from Chapter 1

• You may move up to 5 points around after rolling characters via the 4d6 method. You may reroll any character who's total modifiers are +3 or less, or who's highest score is 13 or less or who has three or more scores of 9 or less.

• If a Primary Ability score is 17 or 18, the subability can exceed 18, to a max of 20, at character creation.

• Whenever increasing ability scores (every fourth level), only a primary ability may be selected. It, in turn, effects both relevant subabilities.

• Magic Items that improve or creatures that drain abilities usually will effect primary abilities. For example Gauntlets of Dexterity would increase DEX and in turn, raise both Aim & Balance scores. Of course, items such as Gloves of Aim or Boots of Balance could be found.

Subability Details

Here is a brief summary of what each subability's modifier will effect. Look to a rule's relevant chapter for information not covered here.

Climb, Jump and Swim checks. Armor checks. Anything related to endurance and fatigue.

Melee attack & damage rolls, thrown weapon damage; breaking down doors.

Ranged attack rolls; skills such as Open Locks, Pick Pockets, Escape Artist and Rope Use.

Armor Class; Reflex saving throws; Hide, Ride, Tumble and Move Silent skill checks.

Note that your initiative modifier will continue to be based on your Dexterity score.

Fortitude Save adjustment.

Hit Point adjustment.

Note that Concentration Checks will continue to be based on your Constitution score.

# of Skill Points gained each level; Skills that require instant analysis such as Read Lips, Forgery, Disable Device and Search.

# of bonus Skill Points at character creation; Skills that rely more heavily on prior experience or 'book knowledge' such as Spellcraft, Appraise and virtually all Knowledge: ______ skills.

Note that wizard bonus spells and minimum INT requirements are based on raw Intelligence.

Skills such as Innuendo, Intuit Direction, Sense Motive and Spot.

Will saving throw modifier; Skills such as Heal and Listen.

Note that cleric bonus spells and minimum WIS requirements are based on raw Wisdom. Also, most Profession skills are based on the Primary Ability as well.

Turning checks; some situations attempting to influence others; skills such as Handle Animal and some situations for skills such as Perform, Bluff, Intimidate, Animal Empathy and Diplomacy.

Some situations attempting to influence others; Skills such as Disguise, Gather Information and some situations for skills such as Perform, Bluff, Intimidate, Animal Empathy and Diplomacy.

Note that bard bonus spellsongs and minimum CHR requirements are based on raw Charisma.

Luck Points

Luck Points will now exist as a separate Ability Score. Roll 4d6, dropping the lowest, and that is your Luck score. Points may be transferred between Luck and your other Primary Ability scores upon character creation — not to exceed the five point limit. Luck does not have any subabilities.

• Each playing session each player character (regardless of race) has as many Luck Points as their Luck score. Major NPCs also receive Luck Points.

• Luck Points can be added before most die rolls a character makes. This includes, but is not limited to: attack rolls, damage rolls, crit check rolls, saving throws, 'cure wounds' spells, ability checks, skill checks and damage dealing spells.

• Luck Points are always added after any multipliers (such as with sneak attack or critical hit damage). Luck Points are never multiplied.

• The decision to use luck points and how many to use must be declared before the dice roll.

• Luck points give +1/point or +5%/point to the roll. The rules regarding natural 20's and 1's always succeeding or failing still apply.

• Luck Points may not be used for any character creation related or hit point rolls.

• Luck Points can not be used to influence the rolls of another character or of a NPC. Example - you can´t influence the villains to hit roll, but can influence your own saving throw or parry attempt.

• Sometimes I'll use Luck Points for an ability check (much like a STR on INT check). To succeed, you have to roll d20 + your unused Luck Points and beat a certain DC.

• Like all rules, what applies to the heroes applies to major NPCs. All major NPCs (regardless of race) can make use of luck points.