1e = 1st edition
2e = 2nd edition
3e = 3rd edition
BoEM = The Book of Eldritch Might
BoHM = The Book of Hallowed Might
Conv = 2e --> 3e Conversion Manual
CR I = Core Rulebook I = 3e Player's Handbook
CR II = Core Rulebook II = 3e Dungeon Master's Guide
CR III = Core Rulebook III = 3e Monster Manual
DotF = Defenders of the Faith (Class Guidebook)
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide (3e unless otherwise noted)
House = House rule. Either written by the good peoples of Hurva or by those of another campaign world and acknowledged on our Credits page.
MotP = Manual of the Planes
MotW = Masters of the WIld (Class Guidebook)
MF or MoF = Magic of Faerûn
NBoF = Net Book of Feats
OA = Oriental Adventures
PH = Player´s Handbook (3e unless otherwise noted)
PO: = Player's Option series
PsiH = Psionics Handbook
RL = 3e Ravenloft Campaign Setting
R&R = Relics & Rituals
SM or S&M = Spells & Magic (2e Player's Option book)
SP or S&P = Skills & Powers (2e Player's Option book)
S&F = Sword & Fist (Class Guidebook)
SS = Savage Species
S&S = Song & Silence (Class Guidebook)
T&B = Tome & Blood (Class Guidebook)
ToM = Tome of Magic (2e book; 3eToM is the 3e translation of this material)
UA = Unearthed Arcana