Level: 1 | Alteration
Range: 0
| Duration: 10 minutes/level
| Casting Time: 1
| Area of Effect: The caster
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Music Hath Charms
Level: 1 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
At its initial level, the song causes any animal of less than 5 HD within range to become passive and friendly. Animals will cease any attack unless provoked.
At its second level, available to bards of level 5 or higher, the song will sooth animals and giant animals of up to 8 HD.
At its third level, available to bards of level 10 or higher, the spell will soothe monsters of up to 12HD.
The Bard must continue playing to soothe the beasts and may continue as long as desired. As soon as the song stops, the spell is broken.
Saving throws may be made individually or en masse, at DM´s discretion.
Subliminal Message
Level: 1 | Illusion
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 3 minutes
| Casting Time: 2
| Area of Effect: Creature Targeted
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Disguise Voice
Level: 2 | Alteration
Range: Touch
| Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes/level
| Casting Time: 1 round
| Area of Effect: One creature
| Saving Throw: None
| |
If successful, the bard or chosen recipient will sound exactly like the chosen person or creature for the duration of the spell. This will give a +3 to disguise proficiency checks.
Drunkard´s Ditty
Level: 2 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 10 yards/level
| Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 3
| Area of Effect: One creature
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Bravery +4 | Morale +15%
Intelligence -6 | Charisma -4
| Wisdom -7 | Dexterity -5
| THAC0 -5 | HP +3
| |
Heavy Metal
Level: 2 | Alteration
Range: 40 yards
| Duration: 7 rounds
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: special
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Any character holding weapon affected must make appropriate strength check (if possible) or drop the weapon. Characters wearing armor affected fall down and are unable to get up until the armor is removed. Appropriate strength checks must be made to remove armor so affected.
The casting of this spell has a 35% chance of damaging the bard's instrument so that it can not be played until repaired. (dented horns, broken lute strings, etc.) Additionally, there is a 5% chance of destroying the instrument beyond repair. Magic instruments get a save vs. crushing blow.
Level: 2 | Alteration
Range: 10 yards
| Duration: 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
| Saving Throw: Special
| |
+1 to hit, all saving throws, all proficiency checks, and any endeavor involving luck.
These bonuses are added to any others affecting the characters as a result of bard inspiration, magic items or other spells. The spell itself is not cumulative.
Wayland´s Watch
Level: 2 | Abjuration
Range: 30 yards + 10 yards/level
| Duration: 8 hours or until negated
| Casting Time: 1 round
| Area of Effect: 10 yard diameter/level
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Note that the caster will not be alerted by non-hostile creatures or creatures able to mask their intentions. Spells and inanimate objects crossing the threshold will not activate the watch spell.
Aphrodite´s Anthem
Level: 3 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 3
| Area of Effect: One person
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
This song affects one single person or creature, which then falls madly in love with any creature of the bard´s choosing. The object d´amour must be in sight of the victim when the song is played. If the victim makes their saving throw, no effect occurs, In addition, the following modifiers apply:
Object d´Amour | Modifier
Has been openly hostile to victim | +2
| Has attacked the victim | +5
| Is known & disliked by victim | +1
| Is same gender as victim | +5
| Is different species than victim | +10
| Is known and trusted by victim | -2
| |
As with Charm Person, the duration is based on the victim´s intelligence. The victim makes an additional saving throw as follows:
Intelligence | Time Between Saves
0 - 6 | 1 week
| 9 - 12 | 4 days
| 13 - 14 | 3 days
| 15 - 16 | 2 days
| 18 | 12 hours
| 19 or more | 4 hours
| |
Dr. Doolittle´s Theme
Level: 3 | Alteration
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 10 rounds/level
| Casting Time: 1 turn
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Falkentine´s Fury
Level: 3 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 4
| Area of Effect: 120 yard radius
| Saving Throw: Special
| |
Note this only affects melee attacks. Characters wishing to forego the effects may choose to make a saving throw.
Harmful Discord
Level: 3 | Invocation/Evocation
Range: 30 yards + 10 yards per level
| Duration: d4 rounds + 1 round/4 levels
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: 1d4 creatures
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Saving throws as normal. Bard may choose up to 4 creatures to affect, but victims get a -1 on their save if only 2 are chosen; -2 if only 1 creature is chosen.
Impersonate Other
Level: 3 | Alteration
Range: Touch
| Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes/level
| Casting Time: 3 rounds
| Area of Effect: Creature touched
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Note that the bard must have seen and heard the subject at least once, and only human or demi-human creatures may be impersonated. This spell does not endow the recipient with any of the subject´s knowledge, memories or abilities.
Musical Inspiration
Level: 3 | Alteration
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: 120 yard radius
| Saving Throw: Special
| |
Allies of the singer gain a +1 bonus to all of the above rolls. No saving throw is required.
These bonuses/penalties may be added to the effects of another spell, but the spell itself is not cumulative.
Musical Lift
Level: 3 | Alteration
Range: 10 feet
| Duration: d6 turns + 1 turn/ level
| Casting Time: 6
| Area of Effect: 20 square feet
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Questioner´s Melody
Level: 3 | Enchantment/Charm
Duration: Range: 10 yards
| Range: Special
| Casting Time: 10
| Area of Effect: Creature Targeted
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Rebel Yell
Level: 3 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 10 yards + 5 yards/level
| Duration: 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 2
| Area of Effect: 1 Creature
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Spell is broken by Dispel Magic. Can be countered by Charm Person spell.
Spread Rumor
Level: 3 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: Special
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 1 round
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Persons spreading the rumor who have been directly influenced by the bard will receive a +2 to their reaction rolls when repeating the rumor.
Listeners who make their save are not affected but do not realize where the rumor originated.
When people spread the rumor others will believe if they are friendly towards the rumor spreader (Table 59, p.103 DMG). People will not go out of their way to spread the rumor, but will gladly tell anyone they encounter. Thus casting this spell on a hermit is useless, but casting it on a bartender or a town herald could produce amazing results.
Even if a person successfully saves or is not friendly on a reaction check, they must still make new checks each time someone new tries to convince them of the rumor.
After 2d6 days, people no longer care about the rumor and don´t talk about it. Eventually, like all rumors it will fade from memory.
Advanced Deafness
Level: 4 | Necromancy
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 4
| Area of Effect: 1-4 creatures
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Saved failed by | Duration
1 | d4 rounds
| 2-3 | d6 rounds
| 4-5 | d8 rounds
| 6-7 | d12 rounds
| 8+ | Permanent
| |
If the bard chooses to direct the song at a single creature, that creature receives a -3 penalty on its save. If directed at 2 there is a -2 penalty, and -1 for 3 creatures.
Harmonia´s Hymn
Level: 4 | Conjuration/Summoning
Range: 0
| Duration: 1 hour/level
| Casting Time: 8
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Incite Riot
Level: 4 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 60 yards
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 6
| Area of Effect: All
creatures within range
| Saving Throw:
| |
For example, say that an ally has been wrongfully (or otherwise) imprisoned by the local constabulary. Rather than acting himself, the bard may choose to find a crowd at a tavern or market place and perform his song & speech. If successful, the listeners become an angry mob that rushes to the prison in an attempt to free the prisoner.
Note that if the bard fails the proficiency check, the following speech will have normal role-playing results.
Traveler´s Tune
Level: 4 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: Special
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 3
| Area of Effect: One creature within 30 yards
| Saving Throw:
| |
Note that the victim will march in a straight line regardless of terrain, though hazards such as cliffs, monsters, etc. will require an additional saving throw at +4. Impassable obstacles will cause the victim to march in place for the duration of the spell.
The affected creature gets a -1 on its save for every 4 levels of the bard. The victim makes a saving throw every 2 rounds.
Cock´s Crow
Level: 5 | Abjuration
Range: 0
| Duration: 0
| Casting Time: 3
| Area of Effect:
30´ radius
| Saving Throw:
| |
The following is a guideline for modifiers:
Magical Effect | Casting Prof. Check Modifier
| -2 bonus
| Hypnotic Trance, Charm Person
| 0
| Paralyzation, Hold
Person, Suggestion
| +2 penalty
| Unconscious
(& above 0 hp) or 4th level or higher mind controlling spells
| +4 penalty
| |
Mystical Chorus
Level: 5 | Illusion
Range: Special
| Duration: 2 rounds/level
| Casting Time: 3
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: None
| |
This spell will double the range of any bardsongs cast during the duration of the chorus. It will also give a +2 bonus to musical instrument proficiency checks and a +3 bonus to influence reaction checks.
Haunting Melody
Level: 6 | Enchantment/Charm
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 4 rounds +
1 round/level
| Casting Time: 1
| Area of Effect:
| Saving Throw:
| |
Creatures affected will flee in a random direction away from the spellsinger for the duration of the spell, where upon the target creature will spend one full turn cowering in fear before resuming normal activities.
The bard´s musical proficiency check is made at -4. If the bard fails this check, the s/he must save vs. spells (without the standard bardic bonus for music based magic) or be affected as the target of the spell.
Memory Warp
Level: 6 | Necromancy
Range: 10 yards
| Duration: Permanent
| Casting Time: 5
| Area of Effect: One creature
| Saving Throw: Negates
| |
Pied Piper´s Song
Level: 6 | Conjuration/Summoning
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: Special
| Casting Time: 9
| Area of Effect: Special
| Saving Throw: None
| |
The animals summoned are telepathically linked to the bard and will aid the bard in any manner they are able until they are dismissed. The bard must continue playing or the spell will be broken and the animals dispersed. Requires the use of a flute or pipe-like instrument.
Rock n´ Roll
Level: 6 | Alteration
Range: 120 yards
| Duration: 2d4 rounds + 1 round/level
| Casting Time: 6
| Area of Effect: One 20´ cube/level
| Saving Throw: None
| |
Any creature crushed by boulders suffers damage per DM´s discretion. Note that the bard may use this song to cause an avalanche if suitable terrain conditions exist. The bard may not perform other actions except a slow walk while maintaining the spell, as directing the boulders requires concentration.