Thanks to all our lawful visitors who have chosen to legally register upon entering our kingdom. Their presence in our lands will always be welcome with open hands as long as they continue to act in good faith and pay all fees and duties. Kind words of others that were received earlier are archived for your convenience.
Here are some comments from our latest citizens. Oh, I mean guests...
Webmaster's Note: Comments are not posted automatically. To eliminate the chance of guestbook abuse, comments are emailed to me. I'll post them as soon as I can, but from time to time, life might cause me to be delayed.
Visitor Name: | Sir Smatkin |
Email: | |
Profession | Spearman |
City: | Iyulatik, The southern most island of Du |
Comments: | My movement amongst "others" is "little". This world
of which you inform me is like many worlds in my dreams. |
Visitor Name: | Lord Darian Ulrick |
Email: | |
Profession | Arathoxian General |
City: | The Royal City of Arathoxia |
Comments: | Hey, I just wanted to stop by and say great site. Sorry for the out of character message. I hope you don't mind. If things keep up where me, and my people are currently located, we might be submitting an application to join as a small nation! Contact me if you have any questions. |
Webmaster's Note: We wish you luck on your nation buiding endevour. When you have carved out your niche in the great web of the wilderness, the people of Hurva will gladly welcome your ambassador.
Visitor Name: | Massimo Zeitawi |
Email: | |
Profession | student |
City: | Arecibo |
Visitor Name: | Shanti |
Email: | |
Visitor Name: | Ethereal |
Email: | |
Profession | LAPD officer |
City: | New Orleans |
Comments: | Nice |
Webmaster's Note: I sincerely hope that's New Orleans, CA!! Or else that's one heck of a commute!!
Visitor Name: | Lavinia Ashstand |
Email: | |
Profession | alchemist |
City: | Dandelion Hill |
Comments: | Hey! How about some service here? Where are the updates? Where is the new stuff? Nothing new since FEB? What do you people do all day? |
Webmaster's Note: Like a fine wine, things had to sit for a while to improve. In the meantime, there's some nice men at the Port 'O Call that would like to *speak* to you. ;-)
Visitor Name: | Vexxuss |
Email: | |
Profession | technician |
City: | Cincinnati, Ohio |
Comments: | cool site |
Visitor Name: | Mona Lisa |
email: | |
Profession | student |
City: | Floral City |
Visitor Name: | Jim H |
Email: | |
Profession | student |
City: | Summit |
Visitor Name: | danitri |
City: | Pollock |