Taxes of Hurva
Collected by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
Enforced by the Lord Chief Justiciar
Seasonal Collections
Hearth Tax: (per hearth)
- simple dwelling 1cp
- simple dwelling in town 4cp
- simple dwelling in walled town 3sp
- inn 5sp
- manor 1gp
- castle 10gp
Land Tax: (per acre or portion thereof)
- cultivated 2cp
- lying fallow 1cp
- woodland 1 1/2 cp
- barren 1/2 cp
- pond or lake 1cp
- in town 12cp
- fortified 2sp
Nobility Tax:
- to display crests, coat-of-arms, etc. 5gp
Holy Synod Tax:
- collected on all produce,
- rents and profits from the land 1sp/gp
Royal Income Tax:
- Collected on all profits not tied to land
merchants, traders, inns
& taverns 2cp/gp
Poll Tax: (collected on every head in the kingdom)
- adult 4cp
- child or marketable beast 2cp
- riding horse 4sp
Magic Tax: (collected on city residents yearly)
- potion 1cp
- scroll 1sp
- book 6sp
- ring 5sp
- wand 1gp
- misc. item 12sp
- weapon 1gp
- artifact/relic 20gp
Sword Tax: (collected on city residents)
- edged weapons 9" or longer:
1cp/2" of length + 1cp/lb of weight
Hireling Tax: (on those who employ others)
- 4sp/hireling
Monthly Collections
- Market Day: An arbitrarily chosen day each month, each adult and beast to enter a walled city will be assessed a market day toll of 2cp
Alien Tax: (not applicable to dipolmats)
- resident alien 2sp
- non-resident alien 4sp
Occasional Collections
Toll Bridges and Roads:
(local authorities may add a surcharge)
- on foot 1cp
- each beast and cart 2cp
- each coach or chariot 1sp
Tariffs on imported goods:
- 1cp/50 lb of weight
- Inheritance Tax: 10%
(if heir is a minor, the Office of Wards will manage the affairs of the estate until the heir reaches his majority, collecting all the profits of the estate as a fee)
Licenses & Fees
- Peddler´s 1cp/day
- Beggar´s 1cp/season
- Manufacturer´s 2gp/year
- Scholar´s 1gp/year
- Vintner´s, Brewer´s 2gp/year
or Baker´s
- Money Changer´s 5% of all profits
- Court Fee 5sp
(King gets 10% in addition to damages named)
- Harborage Fee 2sp/port day
- Leaving country 10sp bond
- Naturalization 15sp
- Non-humans 5gp bond/year
- Knight a son (nobles only) 50gp
- Tariff License 20 gp/year
During times of emergency, other taxes may be requested.
Affiliates Amagigo
Spellcaster´s Dues
(Fees are cumulative for each spell level, and the tax applies to bards as well)
- cantrips 10 gp/year
- 1st & 2nd level spells 100 gp/year
- 3rd and 4th level spells 500 gp/year
- 5th through 7th level spells 5,000 gp/year
Magic Item Registration
Newly aquired magical items must be registered within 90 days of acquisition with the crown through the Affiliates Amagigo. A registration fee of 10 gp per item will be assessed. Potions and scrolls still must be registered, but there is no charge.
Nobles, towns, villages & guilds
Are required to provide a set number of archers, infantry, cavalry & supplies each year to the crown, at their own expense.