Hurvan Languages

This is a list of the known languages to the people of Hurva.

Common Human Languages |Other Common & Uncommon Languages | 'Dead' Languages | Rare Languages | Ravenloft Languages

Each language taken must be specified whether the character can speak it or write it. Note that some of these tongues have no true written form. Also note that dead languages can only be taken in the written form. It requires two seperate skills to both fluently read & write and to speak language. See the section on Skills for details.

Some of these languages are only spoken by the singular species for which the language is named. Only characters that have had either great exposure to these creatures or have had a higher education may know these tongues. Some of these languages contain phonemes that are unpronounceable by humans and can only be spoken by humans through the use of magic.

This list is not necessarily comprehensive. As new tongues are discovered, they will be added here.

Common Human Languages Alphabet Notes & Typical Speakers
Common (Hurvan) Common Humans, halflings. Lots of regional dialects.
Red Speak Dwarven Red Bear Clan (guttural)
Harati Common Common Tongue of the Harati Empire (sounds a bit like Norse, Danish and German)
Haratesse Common 'Pure' version of Harati
Southlander Common written version invented by Hurvans; no native written language (primitive and tribal tongue; many regional dialects)
Oaxacan Celestial Islanders of Oaxaxa (Polynesian sounding)
Eastern Eastern Easterners, Ogre Magi (Oriental sounding)


Other Common & Uncommon Languages Alphabet Notes & Typical Speakers
Abyssal Infernal Demons, CE outsiders
Aquan Elven Water-based creatures
Auran Draconic Air-based creatures
Celestial Celestial Good outsiders
Draconic Draconic Kobolds, troglodytes, lizardfolk, dragons, many magical texts
Druidic Druidic Wajêans & Guardians (only)
Dwarven Dwarven Dwarves
Elven Elven Elves, faerie folk
Goblin Dwarven Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears
Giant Dwarven Official PH language, but treat all occurrences of Giant as a pidgin of common &/or Dwarvish. This pidgin is aka Troll Tongue.
Gnoll Common Official PH language, but treat all occurrences of Gnoll as a pidgin of Common, Orc &/or Goblin
Ignan Draconic Fire-based creatures
Infernal Infernal Devils, LE outsiders
Orc Dwarven Orcs
Sylvan (aka Faerie Speak) Elven Dryads, brownies, centaurs
Terran Dwarven Xorn, earth-based creatures
Undercommon Elven Drow, Kua-Toa, Duergar


Dead languages can only be taken in the written form except as noted below.

'Dead' Languages Alphabet Notes
Ancient Dwarven Dwarven Texts from before c. 250 HY
Ancient Eastern Eastern Texts from before c. -250 HY
Ancient Elven Elven Texts from before c. -750 HY to as far back as -2,500 HY.
Ancient Haratesse Olde Common Texts from before c. -200 HY
Ancient Hurvan Olde Common Texts from before c. -100 HY
Ancient Southlander Dwarven- Elven conglomeration Texts from before c. -500 HY
Dursk Runic The barbarians known as The Durs. Spoken as early as c. -450 through perhaps as late as 600 HY.
Elder Elven High Elven Texts from before c. -5,000 HY. Very few examples survive.
Gnome Dwarven Almost all gnomes speak common or dwarven. Gnomes may take this as a spoken language.
Halfling Common Almost all halfings speak common, elvish and/or sylvan. Halflings may take this as a spoken language.
Isturian Olde Common Used by the humans in what is now Suress from c. -600 through about 450 HY. Only trace of it heard today is the unique (Italian) sounding surnames and given names of Istur's natives.
Olde Hurvan Olde Common aka "middle common" Texts from c. -100 HY through c. 600 HY


Some of these languages are only spoken by the singular species for which the language is named. Only characters that have had either great exposure to these creatures or have had a higher education may know these tongues. Some of these languages contain phonemes that are unpronounceable by humans and can only be spoken by humans through the use of magic.

Rare Languages Alphabet Notes & Typical Speakers
Aarakocra Spoken only Aarakocra
Aboleth Spoken only Aboleth
Beholder Spoken only Beholderkin
Blink Dog Spoken only Blink Dog
Ent Spoken only Treant
Ettin (pidgin) Spoken only pidgin of Orc, Goblin, and Giant.
Githyanki Spoken only Githyanki, Githzerai
High Elven High Elven Elvish nobles, important texts
Slaadi Spoken only Slaad
Umber Hulk Spoken only Umber Hulk
Worg Spoken only Worg
Yuan-Ti Spoken only Yuan-Ti


Ravenloft languages may only be taken by Ravenloft natives or by characters who have had great exposure to them.

Ravenloft Languages Alphabet Notes
Balok Balok Guttural consonants and thick vowels mark this tongue adopted as a trade language by merchants and innkeepers
Darkonese Darkonese Very complex and highly structured language. Words have very limited and precise meanings compared to other languages.
Mordentish Mordentish Has both "high" and "low" dialects. Great literary base.
Vaasi Vaasi Harmonious vowels; many religions use this tongue.


Many of these rare Ravenloft languages are considered to be local variants of Common. Some may even be classified as dialects, while others deserve the distinction of being full-fledge language.

Rare Ravenloft Languages Alphabet Notes & Typical Speakers
Old Kartakan
Sithican Elvish  
Souragnien Common  