(Sol TAN ah)

Lady of Mercy, Matchmaker, Good Sister

The Church | Dogma | Daily Activities | Holy Days | Major Temples | Vestments

Domain: Love, Loyalty, and Sacrifice
Symbol:The Rose
Deity Alignment: Lawful Good
Worshipers: Any except chaotic evil

Portrait of Soltana Commonly accepted as the loveliest of the immortals, Soltana is depicted as a voluptuous, rosy-cheeked young woman with long chestnut hair and deep blue eyes. She often wears garlands of flowers in her hair, and her elaborate gowns are sometimes adorned with her beloved roses.

Soltana is a kind, gentle, and loving goddess. She consistently displays affection for the other gods, especially her beloved husband Estereal. Soltana seems to care more for others than herself, and tends to worry over the welfare of all, mortal and immortal alike. Though neither the strongest nor the most intelligent of the gods, Soltana displays a remarkable loyalty and strength of will. Time and time again, the evil gods see her kindness and compassion as weakness, and attempt to take advantage of her. But despite many hardships, Soltana remains remarkably resilient, and of all the immortals she is the only one never tempted by power or personal gain to stray from her beliefs. Though Soltana counsels mercy and forgiveness whenever possible, the evil gods have learned that there is a limit to even her good will, and The Lady of Mercy has proven herself a force to be reckoned with when she steps up to defend her loved ones and allies. Soltana also displays a deep concern for the feelings and welfare of mortals, and of all the gods displays the deepest commitment to the care of her worshipers.

Soltana is one of the most popularly worshiped gods in the pantheon, for even the sternest of warriors fall before the power of love. Young lovers, spouses, and families are perhaps her most devoted worshipers. Soltana also enjoys a vast following of mortals who seek to emulate her example of loyalty and sacrifice by doing good deeds. It is said that every act of kindness is done in Soltana´s name, and remembered by her in the afterlife. Soltana is also revered by knights, paladins, and any who live by oaths of fealty to a lord or master (her name is commonly invoked in title-granting ceremonies).

Soltana´s eternal love for Estereal is truly the stuff of legend. Soltana is always affectionate, respectful and loyal to Estereal, who loses his customary stern nature in her presence. She values his honesty, and wisdom, and seeks always to win his approval. The two are often described sharing quiet times together, and enjoying the antics of their beloved offspring.

Soltana shares a very close relationship with her elder sister, Wajen. She often seeks her sister out, sometimes for her wise counsel, and sometimes just to share feminine company. The two share problems and secrets that their brothers would not understand. Soltana loves Wajen dearly, though she sometimes disapproves of her sister´s occassional show of temper.

Some of the myths hint at Azkal´s secret love for Soltana, and many wonder if the goddess herself suspects this. She is often tender and affectionate, and especially solicitous of Azkal. Whether this be from her natural tendency to want to soften those with violent natures, her eternal joy at Azkal´s return to the fold, or sympathy for Azkal´s unrequited love is difficult to say. Whatever the case, Soltana is the only god who ever gets away with public displays of affection for Azkal; he never scolds or rebukes her when she hugs him and kisses his cheek.

Soltana adores her little brother, Torodin, who besides Estereal seems to be her special favorite. She consistently defends him when his mischievous nature gets him in trouble with the others. Soltana adores Torodin´s impish ways, and admires his intelligence and his gentle nature. She has said that Torodin possesses a loving nature that he does not always feel comfortable showing to the others, and besides Jvelto she is usually the one to bring out this side of him. Soltana knows that her affection is returned by Torodin, and both have made important sacrifices on the other´s behalf.

Though Soltana despises Othniel´s evil works as he spreads disease and poison among the mortals, she bears no hatred towards him. Soltana has argued with Estereal that he will one day reform and be redeemed. She believes that there is still much good in Othniel, and when Wajen´s affair with their dark brother was revealed, Soltana seemed quite pleased with the match, saying that love was the greatest of powers and had the best chance of bringing Othniel back to the side of good.

Soltana claims that her brother Athelstan is insane. She says that he needs to be cured of his sickness so that he too can realize that he does have a proper place in the Pantheon with his siblings and that he will see what is wrong with the evil of his ways. Though she bears emotional scars from when Athelstan raped her, she blames his actions on his illness, not on him. Soltana holds no grudge against him and, in fact, treasures the children that were the result of that traumatic experience. She does continue to work against Athelstan, however, in his constant attempts to bring harm to others, and Soltana has personally destroyed many of the evil creatures spawned by The Torturer.

Soltana is a loving and forgiving mother, and has been seen to work hard to both help and discipline her many children in the pantheon. But she does not limit her affection to her own offspring. Soltana tries to be a helper and healer of any who need her.

The Church

The church of Soltana is well structured and organized, with a very strong hierarchy. They do not place great value on record keeping, or establish offices on the level of the Esterealeans, but considering the vast scope of their duties and charitable activities, those churches with a large enough staff generally appoint several deacons to assist the High Priestess. Typically, there is a Deacon of Healing in charge of the infirmary, a Deacon of Teaching in charge of novitiates and continuing education of all priests, and a Deacon of Alms in charge of managing donations and charitable activities. Larger churches have a Deacon of Matches, who arranges wedding ceremonies for the faithful and guides priests in their efforts to bring suitable couples together. A Deacon of the Roses tends to the beauty and care of the church´s interior. The High Priestess herself oversees these duties, and takes personal responsibility for the ceremonies of the Church and relations with outsiders.

Priests of Soltana come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Most are women, who outnumber male priests ten to one, and the High Priestess is always female. Joining priests are required to sacrifice their personal wealth when joining the priesthood, but are allowed to retain gifts of love, such as jewelry or fine clothing. The clerics seek duty, love and sacrifice, not material things.

Quite a the few priestesses marry into wealthy families or the nobility, and these matches are not frowned upon. All priests are expected to marry, and the only strict requirement is that the match be for love alone. Suitors must meet the approval of The Church, and undergo a lengthy interview process with the High Priestess before marriage is permitted. In the past, some have taken advantage of the priestesses by professing false love, and seeking a union based on the spouse´s power and the benefits of an alliance with the Church. Out of loyalty to their members, The Church has taken steps to prevent such marriages, which they consider a hypocrisy. A marriage of convenience is an anathema to everything that Soltana holds dear.

Given their active role in charitable pursuits, and The Church´s maintenance of the finest infirmaries in Hurva, the common folk value the priests of Soltana for their good deeds. Most admire the priestesses for their charming and giving nature, and their beauty has left many a young man hopelessly infatuated. Although many a bards´ off-color ballad pokes fun at the "eager" young priestesses, who are often teased for being vapid and flighty, few succeed in actively disliking such pleasant and lovely clerics. The worst generally said about them is that they tend to meddle a bit too much in others´ personal affairs, and a few noble families are known to harbor a grudge to a marriage that was conducted without their approval. There are many, however, who see the fragility of the priestesses as a great weakness, and fail to appreciate their awesome spell power. As a result, while the Church and its priests are admired, sought after and appreciated, they are not always respected as they should be.

A notable exception is made by adventurers, who often seek out these exceptional healers to join them on expeditions. Ever alert for opportunities to help the unfortunate, redeem the misguided, and join lovers in marriage, the Soltanites often accept these invitations, and are quite willing to risk the dangers involved.

The architecture of Soltanite temples vary greatly, but all stress beauty and comfort. They tend to be visually stunning, and graced with magnificent gardens, works of art, and stained and leaded glass windows. In honor of Soltana´s love for both crystal and roses, these are worked into the design of the temple whenever possible. Rose potpourri simmering in a crystal bowl scents every sanctuary, and both pews and altars are made of rosewood whenever possible. The comfort of both priest and worshiper is tended to as much as possible. Seats are covered by embroidered cushions, and special pews are designed to accommodate the infirm and the elderly. Due to the large percentage of women in the church, feminine adornments abound. Lace curtains, doilies, flower arrangements, and scented candles decorate the public areas. To comfort the faithful, plush carpets of pink or rose hues cover the floors. The living areas of the priests are similarly comfortable and fashionable, with the rooms of the men standing out in spartan contrast to their those of their feminine counterparts.

To encourage loyalty, fellowship, and intimate discussions, the temples are constructed with numerous nooks and crannies, in which visitors and priests can meet for private talk amidst cushioned benches, flowers, and bubbling fountains. Many seek out the priests to discuss affairs of the heart, personal traumas, or simply for the companionship of someone who is always willing to put aside their own duties for the sake of a worshiper in need, and the architecture of the church itself is designed to encourage this as much as possible.

Church ceremonies tend to be intimate and joyous. Priests greet the faithful with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks, as well as the blessings of Soltana. Services include much singing, dancing and the playing of instruments, and sermons tend to be brief and full of hope. Prayers are spoken while all the faithful hold hands, and worshipers are encouraged to linger after the service to share fellowship, sometimes in the midst of more music and refreshments.


The Church of Soltana believes that the path to the salvation of the soul for both priest and lay person alike lies through service to others. As such, the greatest part of their mission is to spread love and kindness. Each priest must perform at least one loving act each day, respond to love whenever it is offered, and strive to soften the hearts of all people towards love and kindness. The Church also seeks to follow the example of the Lady of Mercy by never giving up on those scorned by the rest of the world. Even the most hardened of criminals can be redeemed by love, the greatest gift given to man by the gods, and despite what many believe, the most powerful. Compassion is not merely a virtue to the Soltanites, but a requirement of the faith. They seek always to heal the sick and injured, and to comfort the dying, those who mourn, and the heartsick. The greatest sin for a Soltanite priest is to allow personal beliefs or even duty to inadvertently cause them to bring pain to one in need.

Hand in hand with love goes loyalty, for the Church of Soltana teaches that a good and kind heart must also be a true one. Oaths and promises are never made lightly, and are always considered sacred vows. Allies, friends, and lovers are always defended at any cost. Though redemption for the evil is a great goal of the faith, when good and evil collide, the priest must always act on the side of the righteous and the innocent. Killing is a last resort, but must be allowed for those who refuse to abandon their evil ways. No quarter should be given to the creations of evil that are incapable of redemption -- the fiends, demons, goblin-kin, and other spawn of Athelstan and Othniel.

It is only natural for a Church based upon love and loyalty to stress sacrifice as well; who would not give their all to those whose lives they value more than their own? In honor of Soltana´s example, priests are willing to give their all for the cause of good. Priests also sacrifice worldly possessions, and their time to the service of the Church. Quite often they are asked to travel on missions or errands that take them away from family and loved ones for weeks and months at a time. A priest of Soltana never complains, but cheerfully and dutifully devotes themselves to their call, trusting that they will see their loved ones again, even if it is in Soltana´s own garden.

Daily Activities

Given the vast scope of the Church´s activities and their commitment to always take time for those who seek their aid, priests of Soltana tend to be very busy. The leadership allows their priests as much time as they can for fellowship with friends and family and leisure activities, but at times simple pleasures must be sacrificed so that the priests can tend to their duties.

Though not as regimented as the church of Estereal, churches of Soltana tend to be very well organized. Necessity requires them to be efficient to get things done, and the Church also keeps close tabs on its charges out of concern for their welfare and the desire to protect them from harm. All unmarried priests of Soltana are required to live in the temple. Married priests are expected to report for morning vespers, after which the priests generally break their fast together and review their individual duties for the day. Spouses and families are welcome to attend almost all services.

The duties of each priest can vary from day to day, depending on the needs of the moment. Adventuring priests are, of course, excused from their other duties (and are prayed for by their sisters every morning). Priests are required to attend worship services and participate in holy days. Each priest is required to perform one loving act each day. Most of the time, they naturally go far beyond this requirement. Depending on their unique abilities, every priest spends an average of sixty hours a week providing healing services or working for charitable causes such as feeding the poor, visiting the elderly, teaching children, counseling families in difficulty, and helping those who wish to change their lives for the better get a fresh start.

There are also the needs of the temple to attend to, and most of the priests spend some time assisting with daily chores. Rather than each priest fending for herself, loyalty and unity are stressed by a division of duties. Cooking, washing, gardening, and so forth are all divided among the clergy, with novitiates rotating tasks and learning from their elders rather than being given all the menial work, as is done in some temples. Novitiates also spend a considerable amount of time in classes learning such things as healing, reading & writing, , literature and the musical arts as well as skills to help serve other such as sewing, cooking, grooming, flower arranging, gardening, massage, pottery and weaving.

Fellowship is also very important to the priesthood, and the leaders usually schedule regular meetings above and beyond prayers and holy days. These are informal affairs attended only by the clergy, in which members discuss any problems they are having, ways to serve the community, and so forth. Priests absent on missions are encouraged to write as often as possible, not for the purpose of giving reports, but to ease the worries of their sisters who love them. The leadership also meets privately with their priests quite often, to make sure that their needs are being met and that the young priests are learning all they should. As much time as possible is allowed for education, and priests gather often to learn new skills and crafts, to read the stories of the faith, and to practice hymns and dances.

Regular interviews with the High Priestess are scheduled for the novitiates to determine whether or not they should remain with the temple. The Church accepts far more novitiates than can possibly succeed in entering the priesthood -- many a young girl coming to the temple with visions of love and roses finds that the hard work and sacrifice are more than she can handle. Also, many young women come or are sent to the temple by their families not to become priests, but to catch husbands among the wealthy and noble men who attend services. The Church is quite aware of this practice, but sees no harm in it.

Ceremonies And Holy Days

The Festival of Estereal: Day Four - Soltana
The Lady of Mercy is honored by all giving of their breakfast and a monetary donation to the poor. This is a day for forgiving debts, renewing bonds and allegiances and prayer. It is a popular day for weddings and for lovers to exchange gifts. The Church of Soltana hosts dancing in the evening; the women ask the men to dance, men aren´t allowed to ask the women. The night is reserved for lovers.

Amayeta´s Day: 1 Railos
With assistance from the Church of the goddess of crafts, The Church of Soltana hosts a holiday that serves the community by teaching them skills that bring pleasure and beauty. Priests engage instructors and set up a comfortable work area in the temple, and invite all the townsfolk to come learn crafts such as painting, sculpting, weaving, pottery, ceramics, drawing, and embroidery. The blessings of Soltana are prayed for, and the day typically ends with an informal picnic, dancing, and singing.

Day of Redemption: 14 Railos
Remembers Azkal´s repentance, Soltana´s forgiveness and Estereal´s wisdom. It is customary to go and confess your sins at the temple of your choice. Also this is a good day to confess things to friends and family, as all are supposed to remember the forgiveness of the gods. Priests of Estereal lead the churches of Soltana and Azkal in organizing these solemn services, and in making sure that every temple in the area assigns priests to take confession.

Love´s Day: 2 Wajenio
This holy day honors Soltana´s devotion to spreading kindness throughout the mortal world, and her commitment to bringing together those who share true love. Rather than holding a ceremony in the temple, the priests gather together to pray for Soltana´s guidance, and then go out into the community to convey Soltana´s blessings upon the people. The priests carry gifts of flowers and sweets, bestowing these along with The Good Sister´s blessings as they visit people in their homes. The priests also pay special attention to opportunities for matchmaking --under the direction of the Deacon of Matches, they visit individuals in whom they have noticed the spark of true love that has not yet been expressed. Told only that the Church wishes to honor them with Soltana´s blessings, these people are invited to a dance at the end of the day, where the priests continue their efforts to help young love flourish.

The Festival of Roses: 17 Jvelton
This holiday is sponsored by the Church of Soltana, but participants of many faiths and backgrounds are drawn to the joyful celebration. The priests adorn a public place in the community, such as a market square, with roses and decorations. The High Priestess gives an address to the people, then leads her priests, all wearing summer gowns adorned with roses, in a mirthful procession to the market square, with many of the priests singing and playing instruments along the way. Bards accompany them, and the folk of the town are invited to follow along as the procession makes its way to market square. Here joyful dancing and feasting lasts until dusk.

Joining Day: 2 Soltar
The most important holy day for the Church of Soltana, held to commemorate the marriage of Estereal and Soltana. Gifts are exchanged between lovers and couples. This is also a popular day for weddings. The Church of Soltana hosts a worship service which all are welcome to attend, and many do. The Service begins with a High Priestess reading the vows of Estereal and Soltana, and blessing the worshipers with holy rose water. Afterwards, there is a feast followed by singing and dancing. Traditionally, those married by the church during the year bring donations for the temple in thanks for their good fortune.

Day of Cleansing: 19 Soltar
In an effort to improve the morale and health of the community, priests of Soltana spend this day cleaning and beautifying the streets, homes, and people of the city, town or village in which they live. The day begins at dawn, with brief prayers for the strength of the goddess. The priestesses then travel about the area in pairs. They pick up garbage from the streets, wash and paint buildings, give fresh clothing to those in need, and clean the gutters, out-houses, and alleys. They beautify the city by planting flowers, and burn incense while they work. At the end of the day, the priests meet at the temple for much needed bathing, followed by food and rest.

Harmony Day: 3 Glüst
The important holy day is hosted by the temple of Soltana. All priests of any faith are invited to attend via perfumed invitations. (Even the priests of the evil gods are invited when they can be found, in honor of Soltana´s hope that they may be redeemed.) The Church holds a brief ceremony in which all entering priests are given a rose and a kiss by a greeting priestess or novitiate, prayers are offered for the health of the Archbishop and the harmony of all the gods and their churches. The High Priestess gives a brief sermon extolling the unique virtues and gifts of each of the different faiths. Afterwards, the Soltanites serve a marvelous feast to their brethren and entertain them with songs, stories, dancing and poetry. When possible, the Soltanites attempt to organize joint entertainments with the participation of the other clerics, but these attempts are rarely successful.

Tonn´s Day: 15 Glüst
Celebration of the return of magic to mortals. A day for mages to challenge each other for bragging rights; to put on shows to amaze and much feasting on magically enhanced food. Spellcasters traditionally leave a lock of hair along with a donation at the temples of Torodin and Soltana. This is a minor holiday for the church of Soltana, who hold a brief service to reenact the return of magic to mortals. All the female priests of the temple must cut their hair on this day, and whenever possible they bestow these locks upon a priest of Torodin.

The Day of the Solemn Oath: 27 Torodio
This holy day honors Soltana´s loyalty. Traditionally, all renew their oaths of allegiance on this day: subject to liege, knight to lord, priests to the Archbishop, and so forth. To the Church of Soltana this is an important holy day, during which they host one of their more elaborate worship services. All are invited to attend, and publicly renew their oaths of fealty. Couples often renew their vows on this day. The High Priestess of the temple addresses the congregation, renewing her church´s own vows to serve the people of the community.

Major Centers Of Worship

Geston hosts Soltana´s largest church, a beautiful rose-colored marble cathedral located near The Cathedral of The One. The second largest temple to Soltana is Our Lady of Mercy in Tonn, a lovely structure boasting impressive gardens and a magnificent infirmary connected to Ghant University´s College of Medicine. Soltana´s church is quite popular, and every major city hosts at least a large shrine. Many towns, and even some villages have small shrines. Soltana´s church is bent on service, and does not locate its temples in out of the way places.


All clerics of Soltana wear the Church colors: either pure white, or white and red. Those wearing reddish hues may supplement their clothing with other colors, and any type of jewelry is permissible. The women are not permitted to wear pants or leggings, but always wear gowns, skirts and dresses in honor of the feminine nature of their goddess. These are often decorated with floral patterns. The quality of the dresses varies depending upon practical considerations -- priests are not expected to wear fine gowns on the Day of Cleansing, for example. Male priests work the same color scheme into poet´s shirts, embroidered vests, and tailored leggings. Both sexes wear either boots or sandals, depending on the weather and circumstances. The women often wear flowers in their hair, and perfume themselves with the scent of roses. The holy symbol of the order is the rose, and it is worn on a chain around their neck. The rose may be cast from a precious metal, or carved from rosewood. High-ranking and specially honored members of the Order are given a holy symbol made of a live rose gilded with gold or platinum. In cooler climes, priests favor hooded robes of crushed velvet dyed deep burgundy and sometimes lined with white fur.