28 Wajenio, hills near Grydykar

Left early this morning for Grydykar. Uneventful trip so far. Should arrive tomorrow.

1 Enerio, woods near Grydykar

Well, we'd heard rumors about them in Grydykar, but we didn't believe them until tonight. We'd just set up camp for the night, and over dinner we were talking about all the things we were going to do with our newfound wealth.
Suddenly, the horses began to neigh in fear, and we heard the sound of something very large crashing through the trees near us. Even as we stood and drew our weapons, one of the horses turned to stone before our very eyes.
Then we saw it. It was a giant lizard, at least five times the size of the one we'd killed to get our magic sword. The rumors were true. There was a basilisk in these woods, and its very gaze could turn a man to stone.

We were terrified. But Thibor bravely took control of the situation by ordering me to run towards the damn thing and rescue the horses. "Don't look at its eyes!," he shouted.
Wonderful. What was I supposed to do -- untie the horses with my eyes closed? Well, I wasn't happy about it, but I went for them. We needed those horses.
Even as I reached them, another of the animals turned to stone, and I could hear the basilisk getting closer. My hands were shaking, but I cut their ropes as fast as I could, mounted up, and got the horses and myself the Hell out of there.
I headed towards Thibor and the others, assuming that we'd get on the horses and ride out of there like sane people.
But no, not us. We had to fight the damn basilisk. We were lucky we didn't all get killed.
But luck, or the gods or something seemed to be with us that night. For just as I reached Thibor, I saw him finish some sort of incantation and a huge ball of fire leaped from his hands and sailed toward the monster, where it exploded in a shower of flame and sparks. (Thibor told us later that he didn't even know that spell -- it was a miraculous gift from his deity. All I can say is, Thibor's god sure picked a good time to deliver presents.)
As the creature roared in pain, Thibor drew his sword and charged it. Like idiots, Demetrius, Garth and I followed suit, while Alanna looked up just long enough to cast her illusion creating duplicate images of us.
Well, poor Garth didn't get two steps before he got turned to stone. (I guess the gods weren't with all of us that night.) We were all terrified that the same thing would happen to us. But we pressed on, and somehow we managed to kill the beast. What a night.

2 Enerio, Grydykar

Upon waking this morning we were faced with the problem of what to do with poor Garth. Of course, Thibor pointed at that nothing could hurt him like this; what else could possibly happen to him. And, unless someone wandered by who liked to collect incredibly lifelike statues of warriors wielding two-handed swords, he wasn't going anywhere.
So we left him there while we went to look for the basilisk's lair. It wasn't hard to find. You don't have to be a ranger to follow a trail left by a thirty-foot Gila monster that turns things to stone. It was worth the trouble, too. We found quite a bit of money and a few potions.
Well, we hid our treasure and Garth. We briefly considered sprinkling some potions on Garth to see if they'd fix him, but why bother. It wasn't bloody likely, and nobody wants to waste potions. So we left him again and headed for the village.

Reached Grydykar. Sent a message off to Baron Kolnet to meet us here, since we're not ready to head into Istur. Also warned him about the treachery of Branod's friend. We picked up a wagon and horses, and will go to collect our treasure and Branod tomorrow.

6 Enerio, Grydykar

Well, we made it back to Grydkar with Branod and all our loot. We handed Branod over to his uncle, who seemed glad to see him. Personally, we were glad to be rid of the kid -- he was a snob. Then Baron Kolnet rewarded us with our magic items. They're really cool. I plan to charm some birds and use them to carry messages as soon as I get the chance.
We paid Guillermo and used Garth's share of the money to have him turned back into warm, living flesh by a local cleric. Guillermo took off, but Garth said he'd stick with us for a while. I guess he was grateful we didn't abandon him. It's hard to tell with Garth -- he doesn't talk much.
We'll be staying here a few days to rest and recuperate. Meanwhile, we're going to devise a plan to destroy Shifty Nicco. Thibor is very excited about it.

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