Chapter 4: Skills

Knowledge Skills (Int)

Knowledge skills are those that are entirely informational or academic in content. The only tasks these skills are for are mental tasks involving no more than the recall and processing of information, and either verbally relating that information or putting it to paper with quill.

Note: You do not get retries on checks for any knowledge skill. The check represents what you know. A failed check means you never learned that particular fact, so a retry will not help because a second check doesn't let you know something you never knew to start with. You must do something to learn the fact before retrying.

Knowledge Skill
You are knowledgeable about the general principles and theories of magic, how it works, and what can and cannot be done with it. This is theoretical knowledge, which cannot be used to either cast spells or identify spells being cast. It covers topics such as ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols and cryptic phrase. If you have 5 or more ranks of Knowledge (Arcana), it will provide a synergy bonus of +2 to any Spellcraft check made to determine the success of spell research.
You are knowledgeable about historical and current trends and styles in the design of buildings, aqueducts, bridges and fortifications. You can identify the particular style a building was built with, and you know what influenced that style. You know how to design buildings in a given style and draw clear and detailed plans for them in such a way that engineers and craftsmen can build based on them.
[Note: I have modified this from the original Architecture & Engineering skill listed in the Player's Handbook. These two are distinctly different fields. The gnome artificer prestige class in Magic of Faerûn lists them as separate prerequisite skills. Engineering is listed as a profession in the Conversion Manual, and engineering is far more of a profession anyway. See the Profession list for Engineering. Personally, I think Architecture ought to be a profession too, but I will stick with canon as much as reason allows me too.]
[Note: This skill is superceded by Profession (astrologer), which was introduced in the Defenders of the Faith accessory.]
Code of Martial Honor
You know the principles of a code of honor by heart, can recite them by memory, and can apply them to any and all situations in your life.
You are familiar with the lands, terrain, climate, people and customs of a specific region.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills.]
Hearth Wisdom
You know a wide variety of common tales and wisdom also known as "old wives' tales." You know of among other things folklore, myths, origins of place names, and folk remedies for common ailments.
You are familiar with the heraldic crests and blazons of a given region. If the region has any regulated system for the symbols of heraldry, you are familiar with it. If you see a blazon, you have a better chance of identifying the noble house it signifies.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills.]
You know about the events that have shaped a particular region. You can describe what happened, when it happened, and what historical figures were involved. You understand the context of this region and how it became what it is today.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills.]
Illithid Lore
You are familiar with the capabilities, habits, strengths and weaknesses of illithids. You know how to detect their presence, how to track them, and how to defeat them.
[Note: This is a good template for any specific monster knowledge skill. Making use of the creature types as defined in the Monster Manual would be a good way to create a more general knowledge skill.]
You are familiar with the laws of this region. You know what acts are legal and illegal, and what the punishments are for crimes. You also know of any precedents that affect current laws or their interpretation.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills.]
You are well read in the classics and know many stories, plays, ballads, epic poems and legends.

You have knowledge of a specific local area. You know your way around the streets in a city, or trails and paths in the wilderness. You know what the best inns and restaurants are, and you also know of any cultural peculiarities and of any notable or scenic spots. You also know of the major personalities in the area. A character may only select a region for this skill if he has lived in that region for at least 6 months.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills. ]

You can solve a broad variety of problems in basic math, algebra and geometry. You have knowledge of the latest discoveries, proofs and theorems of the various mathematical specialties.
Monster Lore

Select one type of monster. You are familiar with the capabilities, habits, strengths and weaknesses of that type. You know how to detect their presence, how to track them, and how to defeat them.
Monster types include: aberration, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, giant, humanoid (subtype), magical beast, ooze, outsider (subtype), plant, shapechanger, undead, vermin.
[Note: Animal type is covered by Knowledge (Nature)]

You are familiar with the common types of normal plants and animals and know how they fit into the overall ecology. You know the seasons and various other rhythms and cycles that govern the natural world, and you have a sense of the flow and patterns of weather.
Nobility & Royalty
You know the names and rankings of noble and royal persons in a given region and may recognize them on sight. You know how the various families are interrelated, have some knowledge of their family trees, and know the relative power and status of the noble houses. You can identify a house's heraldic crest by sight, but your knowledge of heraldic symbols does not extend past sight recognition. You are familiar with the proper forms of address for nobles and royals, and know how to properly act in their presence.
[Note: This is a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills.]
Parlor Skills

You know how to properly groom and dress, both yourself and others, in the latest style and fashion as well as where to find the truly essential items (jewelery, clothes, makeup, perfume, etc) to do so. You can often purchase these items for cheaper prices than others can, due to your savy shopping abilites and your familiarity with local merchants. Grooming itself takes at least an hour, longer for special occassions, and after that the character gains a +2 Circumstance bonus to her Charisma when dealing with individuals of her own race. Having 5 ranks in Parlor skills will grant you a +2 synergy bonus with Disguise checks.
[Note: This is partially a region-specific skill. See the note below on region-specific skills. If new to a place, you need 2d20 days to determine the styles of the current location, to find proper shops and to get to know the shopkeeps.]

You are knowledgeable of other planes of existence. You know what conditions exist on the various planes, and what powers live on these planes.
You know the inner workings of governments and their bureaucracies. You know how to petition officials and work the system, including the offering of bribes and the use of other subterfuge.
You are knowledgeable about the general principles and theories of psionics, how it works, and what can and cannot be done with it. This is only theoretical knowledge, which cannot be used to either manifest psionic powers or identify such powers as they are manifested by others. The DC for answering really easy questions about psionics is 10, for basic questions is 15, and for really hard questions is 30. If you have 5 or more ranks of Autohypnosis, you get a +2 synergy bonus on Knowledge (psionics) checks.
You understand bits and pieces regarding the fabric of the Realm of Dread, including the Mists, the nature of domains, closed borders, the Vistani, curses, darklords and the corrupting nature of the land itself.
You know of the various gods and goddesses in the pantheons of the world and know the portfolios and domains for them, and can identify the holy symbols of the gods. You know the basic mythic history of the pantheon. You also know about lost or dead gods.
You know how to get by on the street as a commoner. You know how to conduct yourself to blend in on the street and in common taprooms. You are familiar with the social aspects of drinking and flirting, know the common games of chance, and can tail people on busy streets without being noticed.
You know about the various common types of undead and about the various mundane ways of dealing with them. You know what tactics they use against the living, and the best tactics to use against them.
You are knowledgeable about military theory. You know the history of the famous and pivotal battles, and know the tactics used. You know the principles governing military conduct, and the theory behind such things as siege engines, sapping, and siege tactics and strategy.
You have a knowledge of the history and development of weaponry. You know what weapons were designed as counters to what other weapons, what weapons are best against specific types of armor, what tactics a specific weapon is good for, and what tactics are good against a specific weapon.
[Note: This skill is specifically covered under Knowledge (nature) according to the Player's Handbook. It is mentioned here only for completeness.]


Region-Specific Skills:
For all Region-Specific Skills you must designate a region. For example, Knowledge (Cormyr local) or Knowledge (Sembia local). Regions that are adjacent, overlapping or intertwined in some way may grant +2 synergy bonuses to each other if you have at least five ranks in the other skill. some Region-Specific Skills may not even allow you to use them for information concerning other regions, others will but may cause the DC of some checks to be more difficult than it would be if the situation had to do with a region you were more familiar with.