The reference section shows in which book to find the official version of a NWP for the campaign, and updates older NWPs to the PO:S&P system. Note that places in the lists are left blank; these are from books that no one in our group owns and are only listed for the sake of completeness.
The new section includes NWPs from a variety of sources that are not AD&D books. These include: Original material by our group; Other web sites; Dragon and other magazines; GURPS or other RPGs. This section also may include material from the AD&D books that has been re-written for our campaign.
Player's should use the lists in Skills & Powers and in Spells & Magic. All of the skills from the Player´s Handbook are included on those lists. Note the following changes:
Changes to the Player´s Handbook NWP list:
The Complete <Character Class> Books & NWP
Check this site or with the DM before taking a NWP from any of these books as there is much inconsistency between them. Some of the NWPs have new names and mechanics in S&P and some have been reclassified as traits. Refer to this site for CHARPs, Relevant Subabilites and Initial Ratings for pre-Skills & Powers sources.