Hurva is a nation founded centuries ago by several invading tribes which pushed out the native culture and eventually established their own unique culture. Hurva is a large peninsula, separated from the rest of a continent by high mountains.
The economy of Hurva has been based on agriculture and fishing; it is self-supporting, except for fine textiles, which it imports, and for gold and gems, which it exports.Its traditional enemy is Harat, against which Hurva has fought several wars.
The government of Hurva is feudal. There is a King, (or Queen, on rare occasions; Hurvan society is quite patriarchal) and six barons; the King, or his heir is also administrator of the sixth barony, Gessel. The King is the absolute master of the kingdom, and the barons are masters of their barony, who owe taxes, men and fealty to the king. In return, the barons form a privy council, sending representatives to the King´s court.
In the last century, vast fortunes were recovered from ancient ruins called Dungeons. This wealth stimulated Hurva´s economy (as well as that of many nations) and created a new social class, the wealthy non-titled. These individuals strive for power; they usually marry into impoverished noble families, adding new blood to the upper class. The Dungeoneers, as they are called, are slowly becoming a powerful social force.
The current government is the House of Werax; King Gerdant is the fifth king of that royal house. The king is said to be the gruff, tyrannical sort, but no more than most other monarchs in the world. Gerdant prizes peace and stability; unfortunately, even kings do not get what they ask for. Hurva has been involved in a major war against Harat for nearly a decade.
The northernmost barony is TOLON, ruled by Baron Jurenst. His barony houses the College Amagigo, the College of Mages. It is commonly believed that Jurenst is a puppet of the College.
The northeast barony is VALSAR, a mountainous region. This is ranger country, and is also infested by evil giants and humanoids. The rangers hold Valsag Pass, a citadel on the land bridge between Hurva and Harat. Valsar is governed by Baron Wadel, an honorable, well-liked man.
The northwest barony is FYD. An area of wide forests and tall mountains. Grugach dwell here; they do not tolerate humans, nor do the scattered tribes of goblins and kobolds. Fyd´s forests harbor a number of outlaws. Also in the mountains are three families of evil dragons (black, red and green) known as the Fiends, who raid civilized lands on numerous occasions. Fyd´s baron is Dalon, a quiet, conservative man.
SURESS is a large western barony positioned below Fyd and Valsar. It is a land of rolling hills and fertile fields, the heartland of Hurvan agriculture. Suress is the home of a small high elven kingdom, with whom the Suressese are quite friendly with. (though only on a formal, diplomatic level - elves are not welcome in most human cities) Baroness Gelia is rumored to be at least 1/4 elven.
DURID, home of the Dalwan Coliseum, is an island barony west of the Hurvan mainland. It is a wild, wooded land, troubled by orcs and by human barbarians, the Red Bear Clan; historically, much blood has flown between the clan and the Hurvans. The baron is Kaliar, who is against peace with the clan.
GESSEL is the southern barony which belongs to the King. It was ruled by the King´s eldest son Prince Garret, til his death and then by the King´s eldest living son, Prince Coyle until his recent death. It is currently governed by the king's justiciar, Lord Saladar as Baron In Stead. Prince Bordett is not yet of age. It is mostly flatland, used for agriculture; it is home to one third of Hurva´s population. Rich mineral deposits are common in the east, which makes this area a prime target of Harati conquest.
Religious freedom is permitted in Hurva, where clerics do not have great temporal power. Death cults are persecuted, of course. There are six major deities in Hurva: Estereal (god of law, ceremony and truth, most popular of deities, LN); Soltana (goddess of love, loyalty and sacrifice, LG); Jvelto (god of water, ocean and sailing, CN); Azkal (god of war, fire, a soldiers god, LN); Wajen (goddess of fertility, druidism, N(G)); and Torodin (god of shadow, vision, dreams and theft, N).
Religious worship is polytheistic; people have one deity to whom they offer their primary allegiance, but all save clerics and religious champions pray to a different deity depending on the circumstances.
Hurva is a lawful neutral nation with harsh laws for many crimes, as was common in medieval law. Hurvan law also contains a number of restrictions unique to a culture of adventurers and magic.
No magical spells may be cast unless one is a member of the Affiliates Amagigo. Cost for affiliation is 10 gp per annum to cast cantrips, 100 gp per annum to cast 1st and 2nd level spells, 500 gp per annum to cast 3rd and 4th level spells, 5,000 gp per annum to cast 5th through 7th level spells. Those guilty of this crime are tried by the college, and the penalty is death, subject to royal pardon.
Weapons may be worn but not drawn in Hurvan cities. Duels are legal only in specified dueling grounds outside the city, and the longsword is the standard dueling weapon; nonlethal, unarmed combat is the only allowable alternative. The King, the Barons, their representatives and bodyguard may not be challenged without the permission of the King.
No weapons or armor may be worn in the presence of the King or a Baron without his permission, the penalty is death. No spells, magic or clerical powers may be used in their presence (healing powers exempted), and they may not be scried.
All thieves must belong to a thieves´ guild, to which most wealthy people pay protection money. The penalty for those who do not join is whatever the thieves think of doing when they catch the miscreant.
All magical items must be cataloged and licensed with the College Amagigo or the King´s mage; the fee is a simple 10 gp per item (no charge for potions and scrolls). The King may exempt his agents from this requirement.