Order of Paragons
Grand Master
Church of Estereal
Church of Soltana
Council of Nine
Order of Enjolras
Pride of the Paragons
- Esterealan Sect: The Kingwatchers
- Soltanite Sect: The Good Brethren
- Greater Order: The Order of Enjolras (addressed as Master)
- Lesser Order: The Pride of the Paragons (addressed as Pride by the Masters, as Brother or sister by all others)
Grand Master
- Appointed every decade by a majority vote of council
- Must be from Esterealan or Soltanite Sect (To date has always been Esterealan)
- Places the good of the order above all
- Does not answer to any single Church
Ruling Council
- Three paladins of Estereal; one leader, who is a liaison to the church of Estereal.
- Three paladins of Soltana; one leader, who is a liaison to the church of Soltana.
- Two paladins from among following minor deities´ churches:
Arienh | (culture)  | Ranevskaya | (guardianship)
Avidor | (good)  | Salome | (healing)
Natanael | (redemption)  | Shilah | (sun)
Pholtos | (light)  | Tritherion | (justice/revenge)
| | | |
Council Members are appointed for life or until they choose to retire.
Council Members must be from the Order of Enjolras.